Profile And Contributions To This Article
Three Therapeutic Residential Care Models, the Sanctuary Model, Positive Peer Culture and Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy and Their Application to the Theory of Congruence
Dr Annaley Clarke is a Social Worker with over 25 years’ experience in the Child Welfare and Out-of-Home Care sector. Annaley has worked across government and non-government services in a range of practice, evaluation, and management roles. Currently the Chief Operating Officer at Infinity Community Solutions Ltd and a McKillop Institute Sanctuary Faculty member, Annaley's passion lies in partnering with families, advocating for family-led approaches that emphasizes keeping children and young people connected and safe. Annaley has made important contributions to research and evaluation, including several national and international publications, and a book chapter in areas of Statutory Kinship Care, the Sanctuary Model, Residential Care, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Support Planning and Reconciliation.