Article type: Report

PUBLISHED 1 January 1994

Volume 19 Issue 3

Illusion-free zone: The first conference of the Australian Association of Young People in Care

CITATION: (1994). Illusion-free zone: The first conference of the Australian Association of Young People in Care. Children Australia, 19(3), 989.

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Readers will be aware of the establishment of the Australian Association of Young People in Care (AAYPIC) mentioned in both Jan Owen's earlier report for Children Australia (vol. 19, no. 2) and Meredith Kiraly's report in this issue. The first conference was held in Sydney in September of this year, offering young people and workers a chance to air their ideas and experiences of life in care situations. Many also had the opportunity to contribute to the Social Worker's Conference which was also happening in Sydney on the same weekend.

Following are some perspectives from a few who were involved.

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