Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1994

Volume 19 Issue 3

Co-ordination of services for children suffering with emotional, psychological, behavioural and social disorders

Jennifer J. Luntz

CITATION: Luntz J.J. (1994). Co-ordination of services for children suffering with emotional, psychological, behavioural and social disorders. Children Australia, 19(3), 986.

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In many areas of human services delivery high quality service provision is only possible through inter-agency co-ordination. This article discusses the literature as applied to school aged children and adolescents suffering with emotional, psychological, behavioural and social disturbances although the issues and principles have much wider applicability. Enthusiasm and goodwill are essential but insufficient components of good co-ordination. Also necessary is the development of co-ordinative structures. The paper is the first in a series of three. It defines concepts essential to a discussion of the area, looks at some general issues and describes models used in three American States which could be adapted to local conditions. The second paper will look at the collaborative efforts taken to adapt the ideas presented in this paper In a region of Metropolitan Melbourne and the third will present the model which evolved through the collaborative process.

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