Article type: Original Research
1 January 1994
Volume 19 Issue 3
Article type: Original Research
1 January 1994
Volume 19 Issue 3
The prevention of child abuse, part one: Community resources
Russell M.F. Hawkins
Rosalie A. McDonald
Sandra Davison
Steve R. Coy
CITATION: Hawkins R.M., McDonald R.A., Davison S., & Coy S.R. (1994). The prevention of child abuse, part one: Community resources. Children Australia, 19(3), 985.
The literature reveals greater emphasis on the causes and consequences of child abuse than on its prevention. A field study in an Australian capital city shows that while substantial amounts of information and services for people experiencing problems with parenting exist in the community, access to these sources is problematic. Improvements in efficiency or increases in funding will not, by themselves resolve the problem and strategies to change the more fundamental problem of public denial of the problem of child abuse will be required.