Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 March 1977

Volume 2 Issue 1

The Single Parent Family: A Review of the Literature

Penny Burgess and Michael S. Nystul


1 Dept. of Psychology, Queensland


Penny Burgess -

Michael S. Nystul -

CITATION: Burgess P., & Nystul M.S. (1977). The Single Parent Family: A Review of the Literature. Children Australia, 2(1), 89.

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At least 160,000 Australian men and women are single parents as the result of separation, divorce, death of the spouse, or birth out of wedlock (Social Welfare Commission, 1976). With the custody, care and control of approximately 282,000 children, these single parents can face an array of social problems and, as Schlesinger (1972) observed, warrant greater attention from the helping professions.

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