Article type: other

PUBLISHED 1 January 1992

Volume 17 Issue 4

Denmark : The Child Citizenship Project

Kirsten Poulsgaard


1 Child and Family Division, Ministry of Social Affairs, Slotsholmsgade 6, DK-1216 Copenhagen K, Denmark


Kirsten Poulsgaard -

CITATION: Poulsgaard K. (1992). Denmark : The Child Citizenship Project. Children Australia, 17(4), 881.

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“The child citizenship project” is a thrilling experiment which has taken place for over a year in five Danish municipalities. The objective is to give the fellow citizens a better chance of being actively involved in local activities. There is a desire for letting the children exercise an influence on all aspects of their everyday life. They should be given larger possibilities to be heard and to have a voice in planning, the contents and the implementation of activities. In these processes, the children should become visible as fellow citizens. One of the most important functions of the whole project is the dialogue between child and adult.

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