Article type: other

PUBLISHED 1 January 1992

Volume 17 Issue 4

Briefing on the Danish Information Campaign on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Kirsten Poulsgaard


1 Slotsholmsgade 6, DK-1216 Copenhagen K, Denmark


Kirsten Poulsgaard -

CITATION: Poulsgaard K. (1992). Briefing on the Danish Information Campaign on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Children Australia, 17(4), 876.

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In 1991 Denmark launched a major information campaign on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. No less than four different publications were brought out, each of them targeted at a specific group, with free copies to all schoolchildren. The youngest children received a picture book, the intermediate age group a newsletter and for the oldest pupils there was a newspaper. A book was available to adults for a small charge.

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