Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1992

Volume 17 Issue 4

The Children Young Persons and their Families Act 1989

Ian Hassall

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Ian Hassall

CITATION: Hassall I. (1992). The Children Young Persons and their Families Act 1989. Children Australia, 17(4), 872.

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Since November 1989 New Zealand has had new statutory care and protection and youth justice procedures. They differ substantially from the procedures under the old 1974 act. For the majority of cases, the disposition of the child, services provided and, in the case of offending, any penalties or restitution imposed are now the responsibility of the family rather than the Court.

This responsibility is exercised through a new official process called the Family Group Conference, at which the State is represented but in which the decision-making power is expected to rest largely with the family. Only if this fails or if the offence falls into the most serious of categories is the matter passed to the Court. A new group of officials has been created to co-ordinate the process. They are known as Youth Justice and Care and Protection Co-ordinators.

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