Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1991

Volume 16 Issue 4

Child Safety under Scrutiny: The Rural Child Safety Project

Carolyn Zanker

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Carolyn Zanker

CITATION: Zanker C. (1991). Child Safety under Scrutiny: The Rural Child Safety Project. Children Australia, 16(4), 827.

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Country life may not be as healthy for children as we would like to think. More rural children under five years of age die as the result of accidents than their city counterparts.

To raise awareness of this problem, the Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Australia is conducting a Rural Child Safety Project with the Southern Mallee Councils Group in Victoria over a twelve month period. The project was launched in Swan Hill on 21 August 1991 by the Hon. Caroline Hogg, Minister for Ethnic, Municipal and Community Affairs. The launch took place at a local Primary School and was attended by local government representatives and community leaders.

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