Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1991

Volume 16 Issue 3

Censorship and Children’s Literature: Thomas the Tank Engine almost meets the Controller, an American Psycho is wrapped in Plastic, and Hannibal Lecter goes free

Chris Goddard

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Chris Goddard

CITATION: Goddard C. (1991). Censorship and Children’s Literature: Thomas the Tank Engine almost meets the Controller, an American Psycho is wrapped in Plastic, and Hannibal Lecter goes free. Children Australia, 16(3), 818.

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THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE is very proud of his branch line. He thinks it is the most important part of the whole railway. He has two coaches. They are old, and need new paint, but he loves them very much. He calls them Annie and Clarabel. Annie can only take passengers, but Clarabel can take passengers, luggage and the guard.

(Awdry, 1986: 4)

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