Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1991

Volume 16 Issue 3

Preventing Out of Home Placements

Brian Wharf

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Brian Wharf

CITATION: Wharf B. (1991). Preventing Out of Home Placements. Children Australia, 16(3), 815.

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The following article by Professor Brian Wharf is based on programs operating in the USA. There are some signs of placement prevention programs being embraced by government bodies and non-government child welfare agencies in Australia and in Canada. His experience of developments in Australia, during a recent visit, prompted him to put forward this article for publication in Children Australia. There appears to be a remarkable similarity of interests between child welfare issues in Australia and Canada, particularly round the question of whether protection and prevention services should be integrated or provided by separate agencies or departments. Children Australia hopes this will be the first in a series of exchanges between Australia and Canada.

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