Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1991

Volume 16 Issue 2

Undersocialized Conduct and Attachment Disorders: A child psychiatric team experience with a developmental and systems approach

Christine Zsizsmann, Chatra Weerasinghe and Noelle Belcher

CITATION: Zsizsmann C., Weerasinghe C., & Belcher N. (1991). Undersocialized Conduct and Attachment Disorders: A child psychiatric team experience with a developmental and systems approach. Children Australia, 16(2), 802.

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The paper deals mainly with work undertaken at Travancore Child and Family Centre and discusses the connection between attachment disorder and Undersocialized Conduct Disorder. Clinical examples illustrate the difficulties such children present to the caregivers and workers in the systems around the child. As these children generally fail to respond readily to therapies based on the child’s ability to form trusting relationships, management and treatment strategies which rely on careful assessment of the child’s attachment behaviour are described.

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