Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 February 1976

Volume 1 Issue 1

An Alternative to the Concept of Children's Rights . .

Lynne Foreman

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Lynne Foreman

CITATION: Foreman L. (1976). An Alternative to the Concept of Children's Rights . . Children Australia, 1(1), 8.

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In the past few years discussion concerning the composition of children's rights seems to have oscillated between the conservative statements of such august bodies as the United Nations (1) and the extreme stand of those who advocate “kid power”. (2) The. meaning of the term “children's rights” has become obscured and is in danger of becoming a gimmicky catchphrase which ignores the broader framework of intertwining rights, interests and obligations that involve interaction between the child, the family, the State and other individuals and groups who have an interest in their welfare.

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