Article type: Report

PUBLISHED 1 January 1991

Volume 16 Issue 1

Honey, I shrunk the evaluator: Reflections on the 1990 National Evaluation Conference

Max Liddell and Margaret Liddell

CITATION: Liddell M., & Liddell M. (1991). Honey, I shrunk the evaluator: Reflections on the 1990 National Evaluation Conference. Children Australia, 16(1), 792.

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The 1990 National Evaluation Conference, a conference devoted to current developments in evaluation, left the authors with many concerns. This paper, after describing a few of the contributions which were of relevance to human services, explores some of the dilemmas. Is program evaluation a research activity or not? What are the implications of the commercialisation of the public sector? Is evaluation a tool to induce employee conformity? These questions are raised, and their implications for human services discussed.

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