Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1991

Volume 16 Issue 1

Residential Family Treatment: A creative alternative in child protection work

C. Schulz, S. Wilson, M. Newton, P. Van Epenhuysen and B. Holzworth

CITATION: Schulz C., Wilson S., Newton M., Epenhuysen P.V., & Holzworth B. (1991). Residential Family Treatment: A creative alternative in child protection work. Children Australia, 16(1), 791.

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The maintenance of the physical and emotional safety of children about to be returned to their families following serious abuse is a complex and significant problem. This paper describes a treatment offered to such families which makes use of a residential setting, and which involved intensive work over the period of a week. This approach was cost effective, allowed for greater creativity by child protection workers, and impacted significantly on the lives of the families. This paper offers a philosophical as well as practical framework for treating at risk families in which a child is about to be returned.

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