Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1990

Volume 15 Issue 4

Surrogate Motherhood and Children's Interests: An NCBA discussion paper

Julie Martin

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Julie Martin

CITATION: Martin J. (1990). Surrogate Motherhood and Children's Interests: An NCBA discussion paper . Children Australia, 15(4), 781.

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The issue of surrogacy has attracted spirited and concerned public and professional debate. For some commentators even the term itself is considered a misnomer. In the midst of forceful opposition from feminists, churches, and groups concerned with preserving the “traditional family”, together with powerful support from sections of the medical establishment, certain academics and other high profile individuals, the future of surrogacy in Australia is uncertain. What is certain is that surrogacy challenges people's ideas about acceptable means of family formation both on a personal moral level and from the broader perspective of public policy.

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