Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1990

Volume 15 Issue 4

H.U.G.S. A parent-child interaction program

Jennifer McIntosh and Lynette Green

CITATION: McIntosh J., & Green L. (1990). H.U.G.S. A parent-child interaction program. Children Australia, 15(4), 780.

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This paper provides a brief account of a group program developed by Alys Key Family Care for parents and pre-school children where the growth of a sound, nurturing relationship has been significantly impaired. HUGS is an acronym for “Happiness, Understanding, Giving and Sharing”. The program has the overall aim of fostering positive interaction, enjoyment and the development of a reciprocal caring, confident bond between parents and children. The group has been evolving since 1987, with many refinements in its conceptualisation along the way. The agency is currently producing a manual which describes in detail the rationale and operation of the program, pilot evaluations, HUGS activities and styles of intervention and support which seem particularly effective within the group.

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