Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1990

Volume 15 Issue 4

Responses on Family Welfare and Services for Children States and Territories - Shadow Ministers

CITATION: (1990). Responses on Family Welfare and Services for Children States and Territories - Shadow Ministers. Children Australia, 15(4), 779.

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Throughout 1990, Children Australia has extended an invitation to State Shadow Ministers to express their views and policies in regard to the interests of children.

Their responses tend to indicate some difficulty in responding to demands such as this in the absence of many support resources. It is part of the spirit of Children Australia and the NCBA to provide a forum for the sharing of ideas and information which might help leaders and policy makers to complete their tasks with the interests of children high on the agenda.

From a national perspective, making contact with state and territory shadow ministers was sometimes difficult and there was some turnover in the course of the year among the particular parliamentarians performing these roles. Nevertheless, Shadow Ministers concerned with the interests of children at state and territory levels in December 1990 are listed below. Contributions received to date, including those received earlier in the year, are presented for the information of readers. Any further contributions will be published in a later Issue.

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