Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1990

Volume 15 Issue 4

Toward Identification of Strategies to Strengthen the Family Unit

C.L. Schultz, N.C. Schultz and A.E. Craddock


1 Department of Behavioural Health Sciences, Lincoln School of Health Sciences, La Trobe University, 625 Swanston Street, Carlton 3053

2 Highfields Centre, Ivanhoe 3079

3 Department of Psychology, University of Sydney, 2066


C.L. Schultz -

N.C. Schultz -

A.E. Craddock -

CITATION: Schultz C., Schultz N., & Craddock A. (1990). Toward Identification of Strategies to Strengthen the Family Unit. Children Australia, 15(4), 775.

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This study compares levels of couple agreement about positive and satisfying features of their relationship as reported by a remarried sample (n = 70) couples and a more general sample of couples largely in their first marriage or committed de facto relationship (n = 100 couples). The ENRICH inventory (Olson et al., 1982) was used with the general sample and the ENRICH-Anew inventory (Schultz &; Schultz, 1987) was used for the remarried sample, thereby providing the measures of positive couple agreement, which can in turn serve as indicators for strengthening family relationships. There were no statistically significant differences between the two samples, indicating commonalities in stresses and strengths experienced by the two samples. However, there are suggestions in the data that issues related to children and parenting were subject to lower levels of agreement for the remarried couples. The comparison couples produced lower levels of agreement in the areas of conflict resolution and relating to partner's family and friends.

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