Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1990

Volume 15 Issue 2

Children's Rights and the State in Loco Parentis

Eddie Le Sueur

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Eddie Le Sueur

CITATION: Sueur E.L. (1990). Children's Rights and the State in Loco Parentis. Children Australia, 15(2), 739.

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The state government Department for Family and Community Services (formerly DCW) in South Australia is currently seeking to clarify and where necessary change policy in the area of guardianship, long term legal status and related issues. To facilitate this aim in the context of a broader consultation process, a discussion paper was prepared by the author in his role of Chief Policy Officer of DCW in October 1989. The full paper covers a range of issues bearing on the department's role in relation to children and their families where there is a possibility of state care being ordered.

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