Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1990

Volume 15 Issue 1

Victoria's Protective services and the ‘Interim’ Fogarty Report: Is This the Right Road at Last?

Christopher R. Goddard

CITATION: Goddard C.R. (1990). Victoria's Protective services and the ‘Interim’ Fogarty Report: Is This the Right Road at Last? Children Australia, 15(1), 722.

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The history of the provision of child protection services in Victoria, and the lack thereof, is a long and complex one. Yet another twist in the tale occurred recently.

A report by Mr Justice Fogarty and Mrs Delys Sargeant, entitled Protective Services for Children in Victoria: An Interim Report, was released in January 1989. This report (hereinafter the Fogarty Report) was commissioned by the Victorian Government in August 1988:

“… to inquire into and advise it upon the operation of Victoria's child protection system and on measures to improve its effectiveness and efficiency.”

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