Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1989

Volume 14 Issue 1-2

An Approach to Family Therapy

David Geldard

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David Geldard


1 Family Therapy Unit at Lifeline Brisbane


David Geldard -

CITATION: Geldard D. (1989). An Approach to Family Therapy. Children Australia, 14(1-2), 690.

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Lifeline Brisbane has a team of professional family therapists who provide family therapy services from 3.30p.m. to 10 p.m. on four nights each week. The team consists of a full-time coordiantor (40 hours per week) plus five part time therapists, who between them work 48 hours per week.

The Unit uses a systems approach which assumes that the behaviours of individual members of a system are the invevitable response to the behaviours of the other members of the system. Hence, for example, a child's stealing behaviour, is seen as inevitable when the child is viewed not in isolation, but in the context of the system within which the child exists.

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