Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1989

Volume 14 Issue 1-2

Future Trends in Education

David Warner

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David Warner


1 Redland Community College


David Warner -

CITATION: Warner D. (1989). Future Trends in Education. Children Australia, 14(1-2), 688.

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Thank you for the invitation to address a session of your Conference on the topic “Future Trends in Education”. I am not sure of the basis of my expertise to address such a topic. It is a topic normally reserved for the gurus of academia and of educational bureaucracies. Perhaps, however, the invitation is in relation to the role of the College with which I am associated in being at the “leading edge” of developments in post-compulsory education in Australia.

Perhaps before I say anything, I should direct attention to my belief in the capacity of people to respond to need. Yesterday, I sat with two of our teachers who had taken themselves off to help the centre develop their “detention activities” into credit courses associated with courses at our College and then provide completion experiences on Saturdays and at the end of children's sentences. There is hope.

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