Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1989

Volume 14 Issue 1-2

Respite Care Needs of Families with Disabled Children

Barbara Szwarc

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Barbara Szwarc


1 The Victorian Children's Aid Society


Barbara Szwarc -

CITATION: Szwarc B. (1989). Respite Care Needs of Families with Disabled Children. Children Australia, 14(1-2), 686.

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The idea of respite care is of recent origin, having come about largely as a result of the deinstitutionalization movement of the 1960's and 70's.

Before that time, it was generally not expected that families keep a disabled member at home: and there is considerable evidence to show that those families who chose to do so, were expected to cope with the consequences on their own. No-one asked how they did it; and only the provision of crisis orientated counselling indicated that care providers recognized that these families might sometimes have hardships.

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