Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1988

Volume 13 Issue 1

Point and Counterpoint not the last word: Child Statistical Abuse: 80,000 Child Prostitutes in Australia

Chris Goddard

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Chris Goddard


1 Department of Social Work, Monash University Victoria


Chris Goddard -

CITATION: Goddard C. (1988). Point and Counterpoint not the last word: Child Statistical Abuse: 80,000 Child Prostitutes in Australia. Children Australia, 13(1), 645.

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It was the beleaguered Sydney Morning Herald that started my concern about child statistical abuse in Australia A small paragraph in “Column 8” pointed out that a program on the similarly beleaguered ABC had claimed that 38 percent of Australians die of heart disease each year. Then “Column 8” discovered something called the cholesterol check card, issued by the Better Health Screening Service, which claimed that 50 percent of us die from cardiovascular disease each year. What, asked “Column 8”, will the Better Health Screening Service do after two years when there is no-one left in Australia’?

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