Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1988

Volume 13 Issue 1

Some Key Concepts from a Course for Parents about Adolescents

Annette Hourigan

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Annette Hourigan


1 Catholic Family Welfare Bureau, 3 Wingfield St. Footscray 3011


Annette Hourigan -

CITATION: Hourigan A. (1988). Some Key Concepts from a Course for Parents about Adolescents. Children Australia, 13(1), 642.

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Catholic Family Welfare Bureau Melbourne have for many years provided remedial family services, a core service being marriage and family counselling. Our range of service has expanded to also include educative programs.

One frequent request is for education for parents about adolescence and its' meaning in family life. Additionally, our Dandenong branch needed to respond to the many urgent requests they were receiving from parents for counselling, about “adolescence problems” encountered in their families.

As result a group of counsellors and social workers have produced a course in an endeavor to discover the most effective means to provide education for parents.

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