Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1988

Volume 13 Issue 1

Groups for Children of Separation/Divorce: A Metaphorical Approach

Jan Young and Sandra Regan


1 Marriage Guidance Council of N.S.W., 226 Liverpool Street, Enfield, N.S.W. 2136 AUSTRALIA

2 University of New South Wales, School of Social Work, P.O. Box 1, Kensington, N.S.W. 2033 AUSTRALIA


Jan Young -

Sandra Regan -

CITATION: Young J., & Regan S. (1988). Groups for Children of Separation/Divorce: A Metaphorical Approach. Children Australia, 13(1), 641.

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The use of a metaphorical approach in a time limited group for children whose parents are separating/divorcing is explored. Drawing, “naming the group”, and structured exercises are used metaphorically to help the children tell their own “story”, not their parents version. The metaphorical processing of the media is what counts not the media itself. Every way of using media tells a story and moves children from story telling to story experiencing. When children are able to share feelings, they have taken a step forward.

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