Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1987

Volume 12 Issue 4

The Right to Protection from Poverty of Children of Divorced Couples

Richard Ingleby

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Richard Ingleby


1 Law Faculty, University Melbourne


Richard Ingleby -

CITATION: Ingleby R. (1987). The Right to Protection from Poverty of Children of Divorced Couples. Children Australia, 12(4), 629.

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In this paper I intend to examine ways in which the problem of child poverty might be remedied by legislative reform. The legislative activity taking place at present means that this is a matter of current, as well as social, importance (1). The paper is not intended as an arid academic exercise, but as a contribution to the debate about the future direction of reform in this area. The emphasis of the paper is on the effect of legislative provisions outside the court-room. When more than 90% of divorce disputes are not resolved by judicial adjudication, it is vital to an understanding of the law to examine its out-of-court operation (2). This demands that we consider how the provisions of the Family Law Act are used in negotiations, and the effect of the relationship between parents' rights against each other, and parents' rights against the State. But therefore considering ways in which the interests of children might be protected on divorce, it is necessary to give a brief introduction to the nature of the problem of child poverty and its relationship with matrimonial breakdown.

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