Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1987

Volume 12 Issue 4

Sterilising the Apparently Incapable: Further Thoughts and Developments

Frank J. Bates

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Frank J. Bates

CITATION: Bates F.J. (1987). Sterilising the Apparently Incapable: Further Thoughts and Developments. Children Australia, 12(4), 627.

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The recent decision of the English judicial hierarchy in Re B (a minor) (wardship: sterilisation) raises many of the issues which are involved with the difficulties inherent in attempts compulsorily to sterilise apparently incapable minors. The article contrasts the decision in Re B with the earlier English decision of Re D and the decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in Re Eve. It continues by discussing the policy issues which are raised by the case and by the literature.

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