Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1987

Volume 12 Issue 3

”Killing the Fire Dragon”. Recovery from Bushfires in a Semi-Rural Environment

Helen Hill

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Helen Hill

CITATION: Hill H. (1987). ”Killing the Fire Dragon”. Recovery from Bushfires in a Semi-Rural Environment. Children Australia, 12(3), 619.

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Following the Ash Wednesday bushfires of 1983 it became apparent that communities affected by the fires would require additional resources and support at a local level in the task of helping people recover from disaster. Since experience has shown that communities recover best when they are able to plan and manage their own recovery, the State Government accepted a recommendation of the Department of Community Services, to fund through Local Government the short -term appointment of Community Development Officers, who would be responsible to the Area Co-ordinationg Committee. These individuals would be members of the affected communities with particular skils in helping people, families and the community to gain access to the information, resources, services and supports they would need.

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