Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1987

Volume 12 Issue 2

Parental Involvement in Foster Family Care

Tony Maluccio and J. K. Whittaker


1 University of Connecticut, School of Social Work, West Hartford, U.S.A.

2 University of Washington, School of Social Work, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.


Tony Maluccio -

J. K. Whittaker -

CITATION: Maluccio T., & Whittaker J.K. (1987). Parental Involvement in Foster Family Care. Children Australia, 12(2), 611.

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Parental involvement has become a cornerstone of the movement to promote permanency planning for children and youth who are placed - or at risk of placement - out of their homes. Foster family care in particular provides many opportunities for effective involvement of biological parents in child welfare practice. Following consideration of the rationale and purposes of parental involvement, this article focuses on implications and guidelines for promoting optimal participation of biological parents.

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