Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1987

Volume 11 Issue 2-3

Child Welfare and the Disabled — Is the Battle for Justice Really Being Fought?

Barbara Szwarc

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Barbara Szwarc

CITATION: Szwarc B. (1987). Child Welfare and the Disabled — Is the Battle for Justice Really Being Fought? Children Australia, 11(2-3), 564.

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This paper is based on the latest findings of the Children's Bureau of Australia recently released study entitled Particular Care Reconsidered by Barbara Szwarc. The Study, being a follow-up to the 1979 Report by N.J. Smith and G. Gregory entitled Particular Care was based on an Australia wide survey conducted in June 1984 on all children living in Non-Government Childrens Homes and Foster Care. Particular concentration in the study has been given to children in disadvantageous positions.

Also referred to in this paper is another report by Barbara Swarcz on A Study Into The Victorian Children's Aid Society Respite Care Program During the 1985-86 Holiday Period. This report was based primarily on the perceptions of parents of the children who used the program.

Of particular concern in this paper is the amount of undue injustice and inequality that such children and their families suffer just because their children are disabled.

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