Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1986

Volume 10 Issue 4

Child Welfare Legislation in Denmark: Trends in Child Welfare over the Past Decade

Kay L. Thomas

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Kay L. Thomas


1 Anthropology and Sociology Department, University of Queensland


Kay L. Thomas -

CITATION: Thomas K.L. (1986). Child Welfare Legislation in Denmark: Trends in Child Welfare over the Past Decade. Children Australia, 10(4), 542.

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This paper deals with the Danish Child Welfare Law, which was passed in 1974 as part of an integrated welfare law aiming at decentralization of decision making in local government, and maximum citizen participation.

The law provides for counselling, recommendations and injunctions in connection with counselling, appointment of personal guidance officers, and taking children into care. The greater part of decision making is made in co-operation with parents. The few cases of removal of a child from the home without parental consent are conducted under the auspices of the local council welfare committee, presided over by a judge. Parents are given access and must be heard. Parents have wide rights of appeal.

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