Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1985

Volume 9 Issue 4

Encopresis - an Overview

Joy Rainey

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Joy Rainey


1 Graduate Diploma Applied Child Psychology


Joy Rainey -

CITATION: Rainey J. (1985). Encopresis - an Overview. Children Australia, 9(4), 504.

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Joy Rainey is a Social Worker and Clinical Psychologist. Until recently, she was Senior Social Worker at Southern Family Life.

The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of treatment for encopresis, within a behaviourist framework. Whilst behaviourists’ methods demonstrate merit, many studies omit long term follow-up, and there is a tendency to view the child in isolation from his family. Behaviourist programs can be enhanced by viewing the child in the context of his family which the author sees as crucial when planning an appropriate and effective treatment regime.

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