Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1984

Volume 9 Issue 3

Youth in Crisis: A Profile of Drug-Related Telephone Counselling Calls in Brisbane

Jeffrey Wilks

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Jeffrey Wilks


1 Department of Psychology, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Queensland


Jeffrey Wilks -

CITATION: Wilks J. (1984). Youth in Crisis: A Profile of Drug-Related Telephone Counselling Calls in Brisbane. Children Australia, 9(3), 494.

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Examination of telephone counselling records from a youth centre revealed that parents are particularly concerned about their children’s drug taking. Other frequent crisis situations such as overdoses, the type of drugs being used, and information on family and personal circumstances were assessed to provide a profile of those people seeking help. While the success of crisis counselling centres is difficult to evaluate, the community has an obvious need for such services.

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