Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1984

Volume 9 Issue 1

Report on the Victorian Review of Early Childhood Services

David Green

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David Green


1 Social Services, Brotherhood of St. Laurence. Chairman, Victorian Early Childhood Services Review


David Green -

CITATION: Green D. (1984). Report on the Victorian Review of Early Childhood Services. Children Australia, 9(1), 475.

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The State Government announced the appointment of a Committee of Review of Early Childhood Services in October 1982. The Committee was accorded broad terms of reference and requested to report to the Ministers of Health, Education and Community Welfare Services in nine months time. A total of seventeen members were appointed, indicating some degree of the complexity of this task, as a committee of seventeen would generally be regarded to be marginally workable. The Committee worked hard during the ensuing ten months and finalised its recommendations and completed its report in September 1983. Disagreements throughout the process of the Committee’s work finally reflected themselves in the decision of six members to withdraw their support and endorsement of the final report. A few weeks later a minority report was produced and the Government agreed to formally print the minority report and contribute to its overall distribution.

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