Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1983

Volume 8 Issue 4

Developments in Practice

Isabel Stamm

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Isabel Stamm


1 Columbia University, U.S.A.


Isabel Stamm -

CITATION: Stamm I. (1983). Developments in Practice. Children Australia, 8(4), 460.

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‘How do we understand that which we seek to act upon?’ Theory puts things which we see or know or hypothesise about into a system in order to make sense of what otherwise would be inscrutable in order to spot gaps and biases, and also to challenge the illusion that we know answers which we do not yet have. Some people become very uneasy by the fact of multiple points of view or the absence of complete agreement. They choose one point of view and they seek to destroy or denigrate all others. Or they may repudiate all concepts and use only intuition, common sense it's called. I suppose that the middle ground might be meriting our attention. I don't think that in our complex field of human relations and services to parents and children that it is very easy to simplify. You remember the comment There's a solution to all human problems. It's neat, and it's obvious and it's wrong'.

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