Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1983

Volume 8 Issue 4

Parental Survival and The Hyperactive Child — Part Two: Challenges of The Child's Middle Years

Mary Reistroffer and Helen Zuber Mcvey


1 University of Wisconsin-Extension, U.S.A.

2 Milwaukee Public School System


Mary Reistroffer -

Helen Zuber Mcvey -

CITATION: Reistroffer M., & Mcvey H.Z. (1983). Parental Survival and The Hyperactive Child — Part Two: Challenges of The Child's Middle Years. Children Australia, 8(4), 457.

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This is the second part of a two part feature on hyperactivity. The first part was published in the Winter 1983 edition. It focussed upon how to recognise hyperactivity and parenting the preschool child who is hyperactive.

In this second part, the focus is upon introducing the hyperactive child to kindergarten and later to school. The authors offer practical suggestions on how to work with the child and his/her teachers to help the child through a difficult time.

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