Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1983

Volume 8 Issue 4

Family and Parenting Analogies in Australian Residential Child Care: A Time for Change

Patricia Hansen and Frank Ainsworth


1 University of Western Australia, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, Nedlands, Perth, Australia

2 Middlesex Polytechnic, Enfield, Middlesex, England


Patricia Hansen -

Frank Ainsworth -

CITATION: Hansen P., & Ainsworth F. (1983). Family and Parenting Analogies in Australian Residential Child Care: A Time for Change. Children Australia, 8(4), 452.

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In Australia the family is often used as a model for provision of residential care for children. Associated with this model is an acceptance of the parent role as the appropriate one for residential child care workers. This article explores these ideas, outlining the positive and negative aspects of the family model and the parenting function. The alternative put forward is that of identifying residential child care personnel as child development workers.

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