Article type: Report

PUBLISHED 1 January 1982

Volume 7 Issue 1

Conference Notes

J. Barbour

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J. Barbour


1 Adelaide Children’s Hospital


J. Barbour -

CITATION: Barbour J. (1982). Conference Notes. Children Australia, 7(1), 383.

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International concern about child maltreatment has been reflected in the establishment of an international society for the prevention of abuse and neglect which now has over 470 members and many national societies around the world.

The Third International conference on child abuse and neglect was sponsored by the International Society for the Prevention of Abuse and Neglect and the Dutch Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. The Conference was held in Amsterdam in April 1981 at the Free University, where 600 participants gathered. It involved professional and lay persons from 33 major countries. The Netherlands and U.S.A. sent 100 delegates each and Australia, 32, 14 of whom were social workers and 4 were medical representatives. Two hundred and fifty papers were presented of which 12 were delivered by Australians.

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