Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1982

Volume 7 Issue 1

Child Abuse and the Law: The Australian Reform Commission’s Approach

John Seymour

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John Seymour


1 Reform Commission Inquiry into Child Welfare


John Seymour -

CITATION: Seymour J. (1982). Child Abuse and the Law: The Australian Reform Commission’s Approach. Children Australia, 7(1), 376.

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The Australian Law Reform Commission’s report, Child Welfare, was tabled in the Commonwealth Parliament in November 1981. Although the report deals with child welfare in the A.C.T., many of the issues which are addressed are the same as those being considered in other parts of Australia. The report covers a wide range of matters, including:

  • young offenders and methods of dealing with them;

  • children in need of care;

  • abused children;

  • the licensing of child care services;

  • children in employment; and

  • welfare services for children and families.

This article will focus on the Commission’s recommendations on the reform of the law relating to abused children and other children in need of care.

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