Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1981

Volume 6 Issue 3

Some Difficulties in Developing a Family – Support Agency

Mary-Grace Howard


1 Care-Force N.E. Region


Mary-Grace Howard -

CITATION: Howard M. (1981). Some Difficulties in Developing a Family – Support Agency. Children Australia, 6(3), 353.

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When Care-Force was first established in Preston in 1976 we had the noble objective of creating a community based family agency providing a range of supportive services to develop and strengthen family functioning and prevent children having to go into institutional care. We aimed to be flexible, respond to family needs as we found them, supplement rather than duplicate any other services available in the community and find new ways of working with family problems.

We feel that in some ways we have been able to carry out some of these objectives, but there have been difficulties and frustrations which have hampered the planning and development of the services we have tried to create.

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