Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 June 1976

Volume 1 Issue 2

Family Violence “Social fact Legal Responsibility”

Frank Bates

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Frank Bates

CITATION: Bates F. (1976). Family Violence “Social fact Legal Responsibility”. Children Australia, 1(2), 29.

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On Wednesday February 25th 1976, a Joint Committee of both Houses of the English Parliament was set up to consider the whole matter of intra-familial violence. This development is, it is suggested, of very considerable significance because it marks, really for the first time, an official awareness of the phenomenon of violence in the family. Clearly, certain aspects of the matter have received parliamentary attention, but this is the first time in jurisdictions analogous to Australia that a total overview of the matter has been attempted. Accordingly, it is the purpose of this article to consider the problem from an Australian point of view and to suggest policies which might adequately protect the victims of such violence.

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