Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1980

Volume 5 Issue 3

Children's Rights — Are They Wrong?

Margaret Clyde

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Margaret Clyde


1 Undergraduate Programmes School of Education, Riverina College of Advanced Education


Margaret Clyde -

CITATION: Clyde M. (1980). Children's Rights — Are They Wrong? Children Australia, 5(3), 289.

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This is the year after International Year of the Child; most readers will perceive this as an unnecessary statement as there would be few of us who have not been affected by IYC in some way. Some of us would have attended meetings, conferences, seminars and the like to listen to a veritable plethora of learned, witty, earnest and serious speakers discourse on the rights of the child, and participate in the resulting debates. Others of us made ourselves unpopular with friends and relatives alike by extolling the virtues of IYC, T shirts, sweat shirts, car stickers, badges and other gaudy memorabilia, not to mention raucous renditions of the ubiquitous “Care for Kids” song at some largely inappropriate moment.

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