Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1980

Volume 5 Issue 1-2

A Training Programme for Homemakers

Carey Drake-Brockman, Elizabeth Constable and Alison Ward


1 Parent Education and Assistance Project (PEAP)

2 University of W.A. and PEAP

3 PEAP, 1976–1979


Carey Drake-Brockman -

Elizabeth Constable -

Alison Ward -

CITATION: Drake-Brockman C., Constable E., & Ward A. (1980). A Training Programme for Homemakers. Children Australia, 5(1-2), 267.

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The term Homemaker has been used to describe roles which range from a friendly visitor, to a teaching role, to that of a domestic or nursing aide (Canadian Council of Social Development, 1971). To avoid any confusion the Homemakers referred to in this article are essentially support workers with a teaching orientation. Their role is to prevent breakdown in the family unit by acting as a resource to the parent in a range of problem areas, but with a specific focus on child rearing. They aim to protect, restore or improve family functioning in the area of physical, social and emotional health. In some situations they may perform practical tasks to help improve the quality of life in the home, but generally their main task is to assist the parent to acquire the necessary skills.

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