Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1979

Volume 4 Issue 4

IYC — Involvement of Kids a Key Feature: Report from the IYC National Committee of NGO's

CITATION: (1979). IYC — Involvement of Kids a Key Feature: Report from the IYC National Committee of NGO's. Children Australia, 4(4), 248.

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The United Nations has called on the Governments of the world to increase budgetry provisions for programs benefiting children or to revise present priorities in order to consolidate and build on the results of the International Year of the Child, which officially finishes at the end of this month.

Australian Representative, Mr H.D. Anderson, at the United Nations thirty fourth General Assembly, said during the IYC debate: “IYC has surpassed all expectations reaching across national boundaries.

“Australia has sought to continue action initiated in the Year by funding projects from the normal Budget rather than a special allocation and sees considerable value in proposals for the exchange of child-related research between developed and developing countries and periodic reporting on national activities after IYC.

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