Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1979

Volume 4 Issue 2

The Parent Education &; Assistance Project: A programme for single mothers &; their children

Carey Drake-Brockman and Elizabeth Constable



2 University of Western Australia


Carey Drake-Brockman -

Elizabeth Constable -

CITATION: Drake-Brockman C., & Constable E. (1979). The Parent Education &; Assistance Project: A programme for single mothers &; their children . Children Australia, 4(2), 225.

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The Parent Education and Assistance Project (PEAP) is a pilot programme aiming to develop and evaluate a range of services for single parent families with pre-school children within Fremantle, Western Australia.

The Project is funded by the Office of Child Care, Department of Social Security under their “Alternatives to Residential Care for Children” programme, and is sponsored by the Western Australian Department for Community Welfare. The overriding goal of the Project is to support and strengthen vulnerable parent-child relationships with the aim of preventing the necessity for substitute care of the children.

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