Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 14 August 2020

Volume 45 Issue 4

Poverty is the problem – not parents: so tell me, child protection worker, how can you help?

Kylie Bennett, Andrew Booth, Susan Gair, Rose Kibet and Ros Thorpe

name here
Kylie Bennett1,2

name here
Andrew Booth1,2

name here
Susan Gair1,2

name here
Rose Kibet1,2

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Ros Thorpe1,2 * ORCID logo


1 James Cook University, Townsville, Australia

2 FIN Townsville, Townsville, Australia


* Ros Thorpe


Kylie Bennett -

Andrew Booth -

Susan Gair -

Rose Kibet -

Ros Thorpe -

Part of Special Series: Special Issue: Poverty and Child Abusego to url

CITATION: Bennett K., Booth A., Gair S., Kibet R., & Thorpe R. (2020). Poverty is the problem – not parents: so tell me, child protection worker, how can you help? Children Australia, 45(4), 2238.

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Families who attract the attention of child protection services most often have ongoing lived experiences of poverty, gender-based domestic and family violence, problematic substance use and, sometimes, formally diagnosed mental health conditions. Without broader contextual knowledge and understanding, particularly regarding ongoing poverty, decision-making by child protection workers often leads to the removal of children, while the family’s material poverty and experiences of violence remain unaddressed. Case studies are a common tool to succinctly capture complex contexts. In this article, we make explicit, through case examples and analysis, how poverty is almost always the backdrop to the presence of worrying risk factors before and during child protection intervention. Further, we expose the existential poverty that parents live with after they lose their children into care and which invariably exacerbates material poverty. In the final section, we consider the multi-faceted organisational poverty that blights the work environment of child protection workers, and we suggest strategies for improved practice with families living in poverty.

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