Article type: Commentary

PUBLISHED 1 July 2020

Volume 45 Issue 3

The perspective of children of hoarding parents (COHP)

Cecilia A. Garrett

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Cecilia A. Garrett
1 * ORCID logo


1 Campbellsville University, Campbellsville, Kentucky, USA


* Cecilia A. Garrett


Cecilia A. Garrett -

Part of Special Series: Special Issue: Hoardinggo to url

CITATION: Garrett C.A. (2020). The perspective of children of hoarding parents (COHP). Children Australia, 45(3), 2227.

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The perspective herein is based upon the lived experience of adult Children of Hoarding Parents (COHP). The weight of parental hoarding on COHP is not derived solely from the physical adversity of living within a hoarded home but also comes with the social and psychological challenges they carry into adulthood. The view of hoarding as a family disorder with lasting impact evokes research questions including the exploration of the relationship between childhood adversity and parental hoarding, and the application of attachment theory to hoarding behaviours and family relationships. These types of research studies may lead to policy adoption and programme development for early identification of and intervention within families where parental hoarding represents a threat to child welfare.

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