Article type: Commentary

PUBLISHED 9 June 2020

Volume 45 Issue 2

Towards real support for all Australian children in kinship care and their carers

Meredith Kiraly, Jill Green and Tracey Hamilton


1 University of Melbourne, Victoria, 3010, Australia

2 Kinship carer, New South Wales

3 Kinship carer, Queensland


*Dr Meredith Kiraly


Meredith Kiraly -

Jill Green -

Tracey Hamilton -

CITATION: Kiraly M., Green J., & Hamilton T. (2020). Towards real support for all Australian children in kinship care and their carers. Children Australia, 45(2), 2209.

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The introduction to this article provides a brief overview of current issues in kinship care. This is followed by transcripts of two speeches given by kinship carers at a Kinship Care Forum held in Brisbane in 2020. In these speeches, the speakers described how they became carers, their commitment to the children in their care, the challenges they have faced, the children’s development over time in their care and their struggles to achieve the support they needed.

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